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Thats Obscure Object of Desire - Thomas Devaux Thats Obscure Object of Desire - Thomas Devaux

Thats Obscure Object of Desire appears as ironic stories of plastic art through which the viewers become aware of their own superficial consumption. Thomas Devaux is currently developing a set entitled Thats Obscure Object of Desire which is divided into three series of photographs: The Shoppers, Rayons, Totems and an installation. In it, he questions the new transcendencies of the contemporary world. Through the exhibition, we conveyed the proposition put forward by Thomas:  

“Are we living in a social fantasy of over-exquisite packaging and neglecting the essence of daily life?”


法國當代攝影界最受矚目攝影藝術家 Thomas Devaux 全新Dichroic系列展覽

Thats Obscure Object of Desire 由The Shoppers, Rayon, Dichroic三個系列組成,創作對象從具象的超市購物者Shopper系列肖像出發,Rayon系列將超市裡的商品,透過編碼的方式,以色塊光暈的方式呈現;Dichroic系列則將前兩者融合,探討消費時代的商業心理學,此系列有如故事般,觀眾能透過作品中超市裡商品的抽象呈現,去檢視自己在消費時代的價值觀影響和心理層面的互動。

《Dichroic 6.68》

《Dichroic 5.59》

《Totem 3.31》

Thomas Devaux is a visual artist and photographer and the author of several complex series in which both the founding values, his current developments in photography come into play and turns the focus on oneself according to a consummate perception that has become an end in itself

Thomas Devaux is a visual artist and photographer and the a…
《Dichroic 8.37》

The photographs in the Dichroic series are striking. Straight, slender, as hypnotic as they are reflective, it exploits the structure of fantasy

The individuals captured while passing through the crate emerge in a spectral way from a foggy black and white composition that dramatizes the signs of consumption based on captivating attention with shimmering and racketing tones

《Dichroic 8.39》
Dichroic Glass, Materials Research Carried Out by NASA

Dichroic Glass, Materials Research Carried Out by NASA

Frame with 22K Gold Leaf

Frame with 22K Gold Leaf

Wooden Cases for the Dichroics

Wooden Cases for the Dichroics

Installation View at Paris Photo, 2019

Installation View at Paris Photo, 2019

Installation View at Art Paris, 2020

Installation View at Art Paris, 2020

Gallery Solo Exhibition, Brussels, 2019

Gallery Solo Exhibition, Brussels, 2019

Art Fair Exhibition Site, Art Paris, 2020 [Length 0:28]

Thats Obscure Object of Desire - Thomas Devaux
Established in 2016, based in Paris and Taipei, V&E ART committed to building a platform for bilateral art and cultural exchanges between Taiwan, France, and International. It presents artists to the international exhibitions, and promotes outstanding Asian artists and international artists through participating the international art fairs