Thats Obscure Object of Desire appears as ironic stories of plastic art through which the viewers become aware of their own superficial consumption. Thomas Devaux is currently developing a set entitled Thats Obscure Object of Desire which is divided into three series of photographs: The Shoppers, Rayons, Totems and an installation. In it, he questions the new transcendencies of the contemporary world. Through the exhibition, we conveyed the proposition put forward by Thomas:
“Are we living in a social fantasy of over-exquisite packaging and neglecting the essence of daily life?”
法國當代攝影界最受矚目攝影藝術家 Thomas Devaux 全新Dichroic系列展覽
Thats Obscure Object of Desire 由The Shoppers, Rayon, Dichroic三個系列組成,創作對象從具象的超市購物者Shopper系列肖像出發,Rayon系列將超市裡的商品,透過編碼的方式,以色塊光暈的方式呈現;Dichroic系列則將前兩者融合,探討消費時代的商業心理學,此系列有如故事般,觀眾能透過作品中超市裡商品的抽象呈現,去檢視自己在消費時代的價值觀影響和心理層面的互動。