「我在漂流之中,遇見漂流的木頭,決定一起生活,創造出不同的生命模樣。」— Lafin
歷經大自然的千錘百鍊,天災蟲蝕或是砍伐腰斬後漂流、幾經浪濤洗禮、狂風的排擠與烈日的霸凌,每一個漂流木皆歷經不同的奇幻旅程。Lafin Sawmah 拉飛・邵馬以漂流木創作,刻劃著木材特有的紋路、疤痕、及結瘤,時而交錯平行,完整保留出其因所致的原始多變的生命力,訴說著不同維度的生命故事。
拉飛.邵馬-海.生 (2018) Loop of the ocean-Lafin Sawmah [Length 2:14]
Laboratory 實驗平台 | Lafin Sawmah
Studio of Pangcha Artist Lafin Sawmah & Heidi Yip, founded in 2012. Located at the Paong’ong coast of Kakacawan. Works include handmade wooden sculptures, furniture, paintings and pottery works. Studio by reservation only
Lafin explores the bumps and scars on the soul searching journey, re-experiences his deepest inner layer, and feels the tension of nature. Emotions and stories linked and told by the texture of every wood grain, and his soulful woodcarving creation
Lafin explores the bumps and scars on the soul searching journey, re-experiences his deepest inner layer, and feels the tension of nature. Emotions and stories linked and told by the texture of every wood grain, and his soulful woodcarving creation